He asks,
Mom's Thoughts
Weaving my memories, Spinning new thoughts
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
He asks,
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A Tale of Two Dads

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Remembering Hazel on Memorial Day....A Military Wife and Life Well Lived.

Monday, August 23, 2010
A Lesson on Drowning...

The two pictures you see on each side of this story are a very significant to part of my life experience.They are taken from two different sides of Lover's Beach in Cabo San Lucas, in between two far reaching cliffs.
As we arrived on our cruise ship that September morning 17 years ago, we received multiple warnings about the two sides of these two spectacular beaches. The picture on the left is of the beautiful but powerful Pacific Ocean. We were even informed by our water taxi driver to avoid swimming or snorkeling on the Pacific side of the beach. Certain death he warned us if we even waded more than 3 feet out. Wow, he was serious, I thought. As I am always curious, I asked him, Why? He explained that although it appeared harmless and beautiful, the riptide was so strong that if we explored that side of the ocean, it would drag us out and make it almost impossible to ever return. Many people had drowned, he said. Well, that was a good enough explanation for me, and my eyes returned to the "safe" side ....beautiful, shallow, teaming with beautiful and exotic fish to discover while snorkeling. It seemed so calm, not even waves to disrupt our sight in the water. When we left the ship we were each given life jackets and of course, asked to wear them. Me? I am an excellent swimmer you know, and so was John. So as we waded out into the bay to explore, we left our lifejackets on the sandy beach. Those things are so cumbersome anyway...
So, off we swam..incredible views under the sea...I had never seen so many different kinds of fish and underwater beauty in my life! We had heard that there were even some sea turtles farther out in the beautiful little bay, so we ventured out farther. As I neared a small bend, I turned toward a large group of blue and yellow fish surrounding a large rock under the water covered with barnacles. As I reached the rock, a wave of strong water pushed me under. I swam to the top, and another wave pushed me farther down toward the rock. Another and another pushed me so far down that I was being thrown against the sharp barnacles and remained unable to get to the top for air. A terror engulfed me that I had never known. It felt like a relentless war that I was getting ready to lose in "safe" water. I thought of my young children, John, and screamed out to God with nobody to hear me but Him, to save me.
I had literally begun to lose the strength to fight and could find no air, only sea water to breath in. During these last moments, John noticed that he could not see me. He swam over to find me and within minutes of my ability to get to the surface, he yanked me up. He had to fight me to get me to safety, but he never let go of me, and as I was literally bruised and bloodied he got me to the shore, 100 yards away. As I crawled up to the shore, I noticed my life jacket lying in the sand a few feet away. I am still paying the consequences for the foolish idea that I didn't need a life jacket. I even bear a few scars on my arms and legs to prove it.
Of course I was a good swimmer, of course John was there, and I was assured it was safe, but it still didn't mean I was. If I had worn it, I would have been able to enjoy safe waters, and even been able to swim out further, maybe even see a sea turtle.
Throughout this ordeal, I feel that I have discovered a spiritual truth. I have thought it over many times, perhaps too many, but this is what I have discovered about life because of my pride and foolish choice.
There are many places in life that are just too dangerous to enter. They will tempt you with theirbeauty, and bid you come wade in, but in no circumstances should we ever go there. Trust others and trust your instincts when they warn you that some areas of life will drag you out to a place you can never return from. Then, there are the beautiful and safe places to explore. There can still be unexpected danger and events that can bring about uncertainty and fear, but we are not meant to stay on the shore. We were created to explore and discover new things throughout our lives. For me, God represents my life jacket. He is not there to be cumbersome or restrictive, or keep us from enjoying our life. He is there to give us freedom. He wants us to venture out to the depths of our passions. He just wants us to take Him with us, so that we can feel safe in knowing that He is there, not matter what we face. It doesn't mean you are not going to be thrown against a rock or two, but it means that as long as we allow Him to surround us, fear will be less, and we can venture into safe but unknown territory knowing that we have a Life Jacket that secures us.
Oh, and by the way, since that time, I have swam in the deep waters of Hawaii with over 200 dolphins, snorkeled off of a deserted island in Fiji, and enjoyed swimming deep blue waters with my family, without fear, because I ALWAYS wear my Life Jacket.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Loving with Grace....Remembering my mom.

When my mother and father were diagnosed HIV positive, I thought things would improve. At times they got worse. I tried in every way I knew possible to love and please her, and each time I never felt that she could accept my love fully. There were moments of laughter, the words "I love you" were spoken; but sometimes they never felt quite right to me. I wanted more. It was easy with my dad. He was more like me, I thought he loved me more. I rationalized it all the time in my mind. I had nothing to forgive him for, because he "did the best he could". He had such a horrendous life growing up , and it was so hard to live with my mother. I crafted a special place of honor for my father. I had more than enough love, grace and understanding for him. I knew exactly what grace was, how much I needed it everyday with my family and friends, but did I think to give any to my mom in the midst our relationship?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Oh How the Years Go By...

Thursday, March 19, 2009
How I Won Little Little Miss Sunday School

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bracelet Dream
Sunday, August 10, 2008
No matter what your politics are, his favorite recipe is awesome!

How Could I Have Missed This?????

Oh my gosh, how did I miss this! I have been thinking all this time that time with God at home or with his beautiful creations would bring me stress relief! NOW studies have proven that Bath and Body Works had the answer all along, and I would have missed it if I had not gotten this flyer in the mail! All I have to do is rub this onto my pulse points (where exactly are all of those things???) and I will be stress free. I feel betrayed by friends, my pastor, my church family and even my doctor for not filling me in on this sooner. I am heading to the mall right this minute to buy 20 bottles of this stuff. Just think, all those prayers at night that brought me peace..wasted time. Trusting God to bring me through dark nights of the soul because He loves me...finding strength to get through those tough days of subbing with His constant presence? Focusing on all the blessings of my life instead of my worries? Forget about it! Who needs to focus on that stuff when all I have to do is open the bottle and rub it on a pulse point! It just proves that time spent with Christ is one more unnecessary time waster in my days and nights of living life on this earth. Bless you Eucalyptus leaves! This will also save me time,energy AND money because this stuff will save me from using gas to go to the ocean to breathe in the beauty and climbing up to the Falls at Yosemite to feel the spray of the thundering Falls on my face! Heck, I don't need to exercise by taking a walk through the orchards at sunset or sunrise with the breeze gently blowing , and contemplate the gift of this one life he has given me! OK, so God created Eucalyptus leaves for a reason, but a free sample of aromatherapy on my pulse points is just not gonna solve the issue of lowering my stress level, although it might help...a little. Praise God for the moments he gives me every day to be loved by him as I work out stress relief His way. And it is AOK to buy that stress relief therapy, it smells GREAT. :)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Great Great Grandma Sophronia's Bible.....
Where Do I Start?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Promise of Spring

About Me

- Laurie
- Atwater, CA, United States
- I am a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife, a mom. I pray. I love. I hate lies.I hope to make a difference in some way to someone in this world